About Evaluation Case Competition :

An evaluation case competition is an event where contestants compete to create the best solution to a case study within the rules and guidelines set out by the organizing committee. Cases may be designed for individuals or teams, and contestants have to submit their work to be judged by a jury panel. This competition is held nationally in a few countries and at the world level as well. For the countries that have a national evaluation case competition (Canada, the Czech Republic and India), the winning team will represent their country in the world competition.  Other teams from those countries are not eligible to register.  Details about the world case competition can be found at WECC website.

About EvalYouth India :

EvalYouth India was established in November 2020 by EvalYouth Asia through its Country Chapters Project, funded by the EvalYouth Global Network. EvalYouth India serves as the Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEE) body of Evaluation Community of India (ECOI, the national VOPE). EvalYouth India aims to promote YEEs (women and men) to become competent, experienced and well-networked professionals who contribute to evaluation capacity at national, regional and international levels. It plans to promote Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs), build their capacities, and expose them through networks to other evaluators to promote peer learning.

About Evaluation Community of India (ECOI) :

ECOI functions as a professional community for promoting an evaluation culture in the country and foster policy making and program planning, driven by evidence based decision making with focus on social equity, gender equality and sustainability. It provides a platform for interactions and knowledge and experience sharing within evaluation community and other stakeholders in development to ensure that professionalism, quality and ethics permeate all evaluations and to make them utility oriented.

Past Events :

Since its inception, EvalYouth India has been part of organising teams of events in the Asia Pacific region, the most notable ones being the following.