
IECC22 is being organised by EvalYouth India volunteers with support from various agencies. Evaluation Community of India, the parent body of EY India provides mentoring and guidance support and online webinar platform. Apart from this, various agencies are supporting this initiative through support in kind, as listed below.

Supported by

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The private sector – business – is good at developing products and services, while the public sector – government – is good at delivering solutions to all the people who need them. In many cases, the private and public sectors, acting either separately or together, meet people’s needs. But there are gaps, spaces where some people don’t get what they need to live healthy, productive lives.

BMGF was founded on a simple premise that people everywhere, regardless of identity or circumstances, should have the chance to live a healthy, productive life. They are working toward a future that is more diverse, equitable, and inclusive for all. 

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Development Monitoring And Evaluation Office

The Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office (DMEO) is an attached office of NITI Aayog. As the apex monitoring and evaluation (M&E) office in the country, DMEO supports the Government achieve the national development agenda through M&E of government policies and programs. Since its inception in 2015, the office aims to support rigorous, data-driven, citizen-centric, and outcomes-driven program management and policymaking.

According to the Cabinet Note that constitutes NITI Aayog, DMEO’s mandate currently involves; (i) monitoring progress and efficacy of strategic and long-term policy and program frameworks and initiatives to help innovative improvements, including necessary mid-course corrections; and (ii) actively monitoring and evaluating the implementation of programs and initiatives, including the identification of the needed resources so as to strengthen the probability of success and scope of delivery. Its mandate also expands to technical advisory to States, under NITI Aayog’s mandate of cooperative and competitive federalism. DMEO’s institutional positioning gives the organization convening power to create a platform for M&E advancement in the country and developing the M&E eco-system, and providing equal opportunities to the youth as young evaluators and engaging them as young professionals.

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Knowledge Partners

Vergese Kurian Policy Lab (VKPL) of IRMA, Anand, Gujarat 

IRMA is a premier institution of professional learning offering Management programmes with a focus on understanding real management problems and socio-economic realities of under-served communities through intensive fieldwork. Experienced faculty members from reputed national and international institutions collaborate to inspire and create the thinkers of tomorrow for a better world.  IRMA offers world-class infrastructure for learning at their 60-acre-green campus. It offers Post Graduate, Fellowship and Mid-career/in-service education, research and consulting in rural management. Founded in 1979, IRMA’s mission is to promote all-round sustainable rural development through professional management. IRMA’s synergy with Government and Non-Government Institutions as well as International Development Organizations provides the students with an ideal ecosystem for learning, research as well as implementation experience of real on-the-ground projects.

IRMA’s The Verghese Kurien Policy Lab (VKPL) at IRMA undertakes research based on micro-data and helps evaluate policies and development programs of the central and state governments. The methodological focus of the lab is on quasi and field experiments. VKPL is committed to sharing of its research and field-level findings as well as developmental strategies with policy-makers and implementing agencies. The central research themes of the lab include problems related with livelihood strategies, decentralization and governance, empowerment of women, financial inclusion, relationship between rural households and markets, provision of public services, and impact of rights-based schemes and programs. 

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Clear South Asia & J-PAL

CLEAR South Asia supports governments and partner organisations on strengthening their monitoring and evaluation systems and capacities, and works towards fostering a culture of evidence-based policymaking in the region. They are part of the global CLEAR network for evaluation capacity development coordinated by the World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group, and are hosted by J-PAL South Asia at IFMR.

The Centre for Learning and Evaluation of Results (CLEAR) is a global initiative coordinated by the World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group (IEG). The CLEAR network, consisting of six regional offices works with institutions in developing countries to strengthen their monitoring & evaluation (M&E) capacities to accelerate poverty reduction. CLEAR is affiliated with the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI).

The CLEAR South Asia Regional Centre is hosted by the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) South Asia at Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR). They began operations in 2011, and have significant experience in evaluation capacity development in the region with diverse stakeholders like governments, NGOs, donors, multilateral organisations, and academic institutions.

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The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) is a global research center working to reduce poverty by ensuring that policy is informed by scientific evidence. Anchored by a network of 261 affiliated professors at universities around the world, J-PAL conducts randomized impact evaluations to answer critical questions in the fight against poverty.

J-PAL co-founders Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo, with longtime affiliate Michael Kremer, were awarded the 2019 Nobel Prize in Economics for their pioneering approach to alleviating global poverty.

At J-PAL, they believe investing in rigorous research is essential to finding solutions to the world’s greatest challenges. Working with implementing partners, J-PAL’s affiliated professors conduct randomized impact evaluations to test and improve the effectiveness of social programs.

For more details kindly visit:

Case Partner

RAMAIAH International Centre for Public Health Innovations(RICPHI)

Ramaiah International Centre for Public Health Innovations (RICPHI) was born out of a collective will of leaders and visionaries from India and other countries, to invest time and efforts towards understanding the nature of and exploring innovative solutions to complex problems of human health, particularly in India and other Low and Middle Income Countries. With RICPHI, we aspire to initiate and implement public health projects at the national and subsequently the global level.




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